SAS Security Association of Singapore tender discrimination

SAS (Security Association of Singapore) slams tender for discrimination

The Security Association of Singapore (SAS) has called out the managing agent of Hillview Heights condominium for discrimination against non-Mandarin speakers and older workers in its tender for security services.

In a Facebook post and statement to the press on Monday (Sept 6), the association highlighted the tender by Savills Property Management. The tender document states that the management will penalise the security agency if it fails to provide “a Chinese-speaking guard”.

Penalties for not complying include a warning letter and deduction of $100 per shift.

Oddly, according to the tender, dialects are acceptable.

The tender also demonstrates age discrimination factors. Fines of $100 for deploying guards above 60 and below 21 years old.

The tender, which lasts a year from Nov 1 to Oct 31 next year, closed on Sept 3.

The tender was posted on the e-marketplace site Really Singapore.

SAS calls out the condo management

The statement by SAS questions if it is reasonable to deploy only “Chinese-speaking” officers at all times? SAS says the intention of the condo management was for only “ethnically Chinese” officers work at the condominium. “This action would be race discrimination,’ the statement says.

SAS also pointed out that there was nothing in the tender document to indicate the basis of the age requirements.

In conclusion, the SAS says there is a clear intention for the management to deny older workers working at the site.

SAS also said it would raise the matter with the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP). It would also raise the issue to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

In conclusion, the association added that there would be limitations to what they can do. After all, the fair employment guidelines only apply to employers.

SAS has previously raised this “gap” in the law.

SAS also encouraged the public to whistleblow such unfair tender and hiring practices.

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